What is STRchive?

STRchive (pronouced S-T-archive) is the Short Tandem Repeat Archive. It is a database of STRs associated with rare diseases in humans.

Why STRchive?

STRs are a type of genetic variation that are associated with many rare diseases. Information about pathogenic STRs is often scattered across databases and out-of-date. This makes it difficult to find and interpret STR variants. STRchive aims to solve this problem by providing a central community database.

How do I cite STRchive?

Hiatt, L., Weisburd, B., Dolzhenko, E., VanNoy, G.E., Kurtas, E.N., Rehm, H.L., Quinlan, A. and Dashnow, H., 2024. STRchive: a dynamic resource detailing population-level and locus-specific insights at tandem repeat disease loci. medRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.21.24307682 .

How can you help?

STRchive welcomes community contributions.

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Who are we?

Harriet Dashnow
Postdoc, University of Utah.
Laurel Hiatt
MD/PhD candidate, University of Utah.
Ben Weisburd
Computational Scientist, Broad Institute.
Egor Dolzhenko
Bioinformatics Scientist, PacBio.