Disease ID
Gene ID
Dec 24, 2024
Spinocerebellar ataxia 4
Autosomal dominant Description
Ref. Motif
Pathogenic (ref.)
Pathogenic (gene)
Direct supporting references for info on this page.
The ZFHX3 GGC Repeat Expansion Underlying Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 4 has a Common Ancestral Founder.
Zhongbo,Chen, Pilar,Alvarez Jerez, Claire,Anderson, Martin,Paucar, Jasmaine,Lee, Daniel,Nilsson, Hannah,Macpherson, Annarita,Scardamaglia, Kylie,Montgomery, John,Hardy, Andrew B,Singleton, Arianna,Tucci, Katherine D,Mathews, Ying-Hui,Fu, Martin,Engvall, José,Laffita-Mesa, Inger,Nennesmo, Anna,Wedell, Louis J,Ptáček, Cornelis,Blauwendraat, Emil K,Gustavsson, Per,Svenningsson, Mina,Ryten, Henry,Houlden
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society · 2024-12-05
Exonic trinucleotide repeat expansions in ZFHX3 cause spinocerebellar ataxia type 4: A poly-glycine disease.
Joel,Wallenius, Efthymia,Kafantari, Emma,Jhaveri, Sorina,Gorcenco, Adam,Ameur, Christin,Karremo, Sigurd,Dobloug, Kristina,Karrman, Tom,de Koning, Andreea,Ilinca, Maria,Landqvist Waldö, Andreas,Arvidsson, Staffan,Persson, Elisabet,Englund, Hans,Ehrencrona, Andreas,Puschmann
American journal of human genetics · 2023-11-29
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 is caused by a GGC expansion in the ZFHX3 gene and is associated with prominent dysautonomia and motor neuron signs.
Martin,Paucar, Daniel,Nilsson, Martin,Engvall, José,Laffita-Mesa, Cilla,Söderhäll, Mikael,Skorpil, Christer,Halldin, Patrik,Fazio, Kristina,Lagerstedt-Robinson, Göran,Solders, Maria,Angeria, Andrea,Varrone, Mårten,Risling, Hong,Jiao, Inger,Nennesmo, Anna,Wedell, Per,Svenningsson
Journal of internal medicine · 2024-07-07
Adaptive Long-Read Sequencing Reveals GGC Repeat Expansion in ZFHX3 Associated with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 4.
Zhongbo,Chen, Emil K,Gustavsson, Hannah,Macpherson, Claire,Anderson, Chris,Clarkson, Clarissa,Rocca, Eleanor,Self, Pilar,Alvarez Jerez, Annarita,Scardamaglia, David,Pellerin, Kylie,Montgomery, Jasmaine,Lee, Delia,Gagliardi, Huihui,Luo, John,Hardy, James,Polke, Andrew B,Singleton, Cornelis,Blauwendraat, Katherine D,Mathews, Arianna,Tucci, Ying-Hui,Fu, Henry,Houlden, Mina,Ryten, Louis J,Ptáček
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society · 2024-01-10
Sequence composition changes in short tandem repeats: heterogeneity, detection, mechanisms and clinical implications.
Indhu-Shree,Rajan-Babu, Egor,Dolzhenko, Michael A,Eberle, Jan M,Friedman
Nature reviews. Genetics · 2024-03-11
pmid:38467784Additional Literature
Additional literature related to this locus.
Raw PubMed search results
(All PubMed results returned by searching for this gene, tandem
repeats, and disease, in medline format)
Repeat length in spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 (SCA4) predicts age at onset and disease severity.
Andreas,Dalski, Martje G,Pauly, Henrike,Hanssen, Johann,Hagenah, Yorck,Hellenbroich, Christian,Schmidt, Jassemien,Strohschehn, Malte,Spielmann, Christine,Zühlke, Norbert,Brüggemann
Journal of neurology · 2024-08-02
pmid:39095619A GGC-repeat expansion in ZFHX3 encoding polyglycine causes spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 and impairs autophagy.
Karla P,Figueroa, Caspar,Gross, Elena,Buena-Atienza, Sharan,Paul, Mandi,Gandelman, Naseebullah,Kakar, Marc,Sturm, Nicolas,Casadei, Jakob,Admard, Joohyun,Park, Christine,Zühlke, Yorck,Hellenbroich, Jelena,Pozojevic, Saranya,Balachandran, Kristian,Händler, Simone,Zittel, Dagmar,Timmann, Friedrich,Erdlenbruch, Laura,Herrmann, Thomas,Feindt, Martin,Zenker, Thomas,Klopstock, Claudia,Dufke, Daniel R,Scoles, Arnulf,Koeppen, Malte,Spielmann, Olaf,Riess, Stephan,Ossowski, Tobias B,Haack, Stefan M,Pulst
Nature genetics · 2024-04-29
pmid:38684900FGF14 GAA repeat expansion and ZFHX3 GGC repeat expansion in clinically diagnosed multiple system atrophy patients.
Masaaki,Matsushima, Hiroaki,Yaguchi, Eriko,Koshimizu, Akihiko,Kudo, Shinichi,Shirai, Takeshi,Matsuoka, Shigehisa,Ura, Atsushi,Kawashima, Toshiyuki,Fukazawa, Satoko,Miyatake, Naomichi,Matsumoto, Ichiro,Yabe
Journal of neurology · 2024-03-12
pmid:38472396Unraveling the genetic landscape of undiagnosed cerebellar ataxia in Brazilian patients.
Luiz Eduardo,Novis, Shahryar,Alavi, David,Pellerin, Marcus Vinicius,Della Coleta, Salmo,Raskin, Mariana,Spitz, Andrea,Cortese, Henry,Houlden, Helio Afonso,Teive
Parkinsonism & related disorders · 2023-12-20
pmid:38145611The P-selectin gene polymorphism Val168Met: a novel risk marker for the occurrence of primary ventricular fibrillation during acute myocardial infarction.
Elif,Elmas, Peter,Bugert, Tatjana,Popp, Siegfried,Lang, Christel,Weiss, Michael,Behnes, Martin,Borggrefe, Thorsten,Kälsch
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology · 2010-11-01
pmid:20586826Characterization of trinucleotide- and tandem repeat-containing transcripts obtained from human spinal cord cDNA library by high-density filter hybridization.
N,Kaushik, A,Malaspina, J,de Belleroche
DNA and cell biology · 2000-05-01